Monday, March 16, 2009

i must not forget ...

to sieze the day!!

it is so easy to get caught up in the trivialities of this life and not really 'live' ...

i heard the story of one of my friends over the weekend ... she had been sexually abused by her father from the age of 15 ...

When she finally found the courage to tell her mother what was happening to her, the reaction she got was denial and shame. Denial that this could ever happen and shame on the family if anything should come out about it.

read the preliminary story here:

my friends story is heart breaking, her mother was at one stage divorced from her father, but has since remarried him as he had apologised ... as if that was all it took to make things better!!

That a young child should go through the violation, violence and torture is unforgiveable, but for a mother to not support her daughter is heartbreaking ...

The madness has to stop!

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